The Importance of Proper Employee Onboarding


Onboarding new employees is a crucial process for any organization that wants to ensure long-term success. Proper onboarding goes far beyond orienting someone on their first day by showing them the break room and how to clock in. Effective onboarding is a strategic initiative that brings new hires into the fold, sets them up for success in their new roles, and integrates them into the company culture. This extensive process lays the groundwork for new employees to contribute meaningfully to the organization’s goals and mission. In today’s competitive talent market, proper onboarding is more vital than ever for attracting top candidates, reducing turnover, and ensuring a positive return on investment from new hires.

This article will examine why effective onboarding matters, provide an overview of the onboarding process, detail best practices, and summarize the key benefits of proper onboarding programs. With thoughtful onboarding, companies can enhance new hire productivity and performance, retain talent for the long-term, build critical skills, and foster connections between new employees and the organization. The practices and strategies recommended provide a framework organizations can follow to welcome, support, and develop those critical early joiners who will help shape the company’s future success.

The Case for Strategic Onboarding

Too often, onboarding is an uncoordinated, informal affair that does little to benefit the employee or organization. Surveys have shown that nearly half of companies spend two days or less onboarding new workers. This amounts to a missed opportunity. The reality is that onboarding remains a strategic imperative for leading companies worldwide. Proper onboarding leads to:

  • Higher new hire productivity and performance: Good onboarding means new employees reach full productivity up to 50% faster. They have clarity on role expectations, understand how their work connects to company goals, and get up to speed quickly on processes, tools, and systems.
  • Increased employee engagement and retention: Thoughtful onboarding fosters connections between employees and the organization. Employees who go through well-structured onboarding are more likely to feel aligned with the company vision and stay for the long haul.
  • Quicker new hire proficiency: Onboarding should provide the training and support to close any skills gaps. With proper onboarding, employees gain hard skills, institutional knowledge, and insights to do their jobs well.
  • Enhanced ability to attract talent: Companies with reputations for superior onboarding programs and cultures known for supportive integration attract stronger candidates in their industry.
  • Better new hire understanding of company culture: Culture is best learned through experience. Onboarding immerses new hires in the company culture immediately so they embrace it faster.
  • Consistent messaging and vision casting: Well-planned onboarding ensures all new employees learn about the company purpose, values, priorities, and goals from day one.

Effective onboarding clearly pays dividends. Best practices create uniformity in the experience for all new employees but maintain flexibility so onboarding can be tailored by role, location, and the individual. While rarely the sole deciding factor, good onboarding has become table stakes for top talent. Companies that neglect this process risk high turnover, disengaged employees, and missed growth opportunities.

Elements of Strategic Onboarding Programs

Comprehensive onboarding includes elements that begin before the employee formally joins the company and continue through their first year on the job. The most effective programs incorporate:

  • Preboarding: This involves sharing key information ahead of start dates so new hires have context for their roles. Examples include organizational charts, training materials, and a guide to the onboarding experience. Preboarding reduces anxiety and ensures day one readiness.
  • Orientation: The first day focuses on introductions to the team, facility tours, reviewing policies and company history, finalizing paperwork, and providing equipment. A positive welcoming experience sets the tone.
  • Role design and expectations: Early onboarding should provide clear guidelines on responsibilities, priorities, goals, and measures of success. This gives new hires direction and aligns them to business objectives.
  • Knowledge transfer: Structured methods to share organizational knowledge through coaching, classes, job shadowing, and mentorship programs. This immersive learning reduces the learning curve.
  • Skill development: Assessments of strengths and skill gaps paired with targeted training to address needed areas like product knowledge, systems expertise, and role-specific competencies.
  • Relationship building: Facilitating relationships and team building across the organization helps new hires begin networking and understanding the culture.
  • Feedback: Ongoing feedback through check-ins with managers provides transparency on performance and areas for improvement.
  • Milestone reviews: Reviews at 30/60/90 days provide touchpoints to evaluate progress, identify roadblocks, and ensure fit between the employee and the role.

This multi-pronged approach recognizes that onboarding is not a singular event but rather an integrated employee experience spanning months.

Executing Best Practices

While every organization will need to tailor onboarding based on their own needs and resources, some nonnegotiable best practices provide a formula for success:

Start onboarding early: Onboarding should begin as soon as possible in the pre-hire stage. Even before an offer is accepted, sharing information like the employee value proposition and showcasing the culture generate excitement.

Schedule a robust first day: While starting jobs can be overwhelming, a structured first day eases anxiety. Provide a warm welcome, an inspiring orientation, meet and greets with leadership and the team, facility tours, and paperwork time.

Use dedicated onboarding staff: Bring in your best people managers or Human Resources staff to guide new hires. Their sole focus should be providing a positive experience. Under-supported programs waste early relationship building.

Define clear onboarding roles: Ensure Human Resources, managers, mentors, IT, and executives all know their distinct part of the onboarding process. Consistent, coordinated touchpoints provide clarity.

Create onboarding roadmaps: Develop 30/60/90 day plans for managers and new hires delineating each milestone, program, and task to complete during the onboarding journey. Visual roadmaps provide helpful structure.

Be consistent, transparent, and flexible: Consistent messaging ensures all new hires hears the company vision and values. Transparency on expectations creates trust. Allowing personalization maintains engagement.

Actively monitor and evolve the program: Use surveys, interviews, and assessments to evaluate the onboarding experience. Be ready to adapt and improve based on feedback. The best programs continually optimize.

Onboarding as Part of a Talent Strategy

World-class onboarding does not happen in isolation. It should be an integrated component of a holistic talent management strategy focused on empowering employees at every stage of the lifecycle. The most successful companies connect onboarding to long-term strategic priorities across recruitment, development, performance management, and retention.

For recruitment, onboarding is a selling point in attracting great candidates. Candidates look for environments that will invest in their success and want to experience the culture instead of just hearing about it. Savvy recruiting teams promote the onboarding experience as a reason to join the company.

For development, onboarding establishes a teaching mindset early. It acclimates employees to continuing education and skill building critical for adaptation and growth. This focus on learning also aids retention since employees see the opportunities for personal progress.

In terms of performance management, onboarding sets clear expectations and puts mechanisms like regular feedback into motion immediately, leading to more engagement around goals. Rather than waiting for a six-month review, new hires know what success looks like from day one.

For retention, onboarding that bonds employees to the organization and makes them feel valued leads to improved tenure. Skilled onboarding managers also identify bad fits earlier, avoiding drawn-out mistaken hires.

Thoughtful onboarding ultimately saves money previously wasted on turnover, disengagement, and lackluster performance. The investment made creates substantial long-term dividends.

Measuring Onboarding Success

Companies can leverage various metrics to gauge the effectiveness of their onboarding initiatives and identify areas for enhancement:

  • New hire feedback surveys: Gain insights directly from new employees on their onboarding experience. Survey upon completion of onboarding and again at the 30/60/90 day milestones.
  • Time to productivity: Assess the time it takes new hires to achieve full productivity compared to expectations. Shorter times demonstrate positive onboarding.
  • Performance metrics: Track new hire performance on objectives against departmental/company averages to see if onboarding is facilitating excellence.
  • Manager evaluations: Get feedback from managers on new hire preparedness and acclimation to determine if onboarding is setting up success.
  • Attrition rates: High turnover for employees in their first year often indicates subpar onboarding. Benchmark turnover against past rates and industry standards.
  • Promotion rates: If more new hires are moving into expanded roles in their first 12–18 months, it demonstrates good onboarding and development.
  • Training participation rates: The percentage of new hires taking part in onboarding programs shows engagement. High rates mean offerings resonate.
  • Culture survey scores: New hires reporting high scores on cultural integration reflect onboarding helped them assimilate faster.

Continuous evaluation from multiple sources provides insights to adjust onboarding programs accordingly. The metrics also help quantify the ROI of onboarding through performance, retention, and other gains.

Onboarding is evolving from a singular orientation event to a strategic bridge carrying employees across the threshold to become truly integrated members of the organization. Comprehensive onboarding aligned to long-term talent goals brings reciprocating benefits for both employees and employers. New hires gain the lasting tools and knowledge to excel in their roles and fully actualize their potential. Companies reduce onboarding to practice time while enhancing performance, increasing retention, and ensuring new employees embrace the culture and values.

In today’s highly competitive and increasingly transparent world, onboarding is no longer optional. For organizations seeking to hire and retain top talent ready to tackle strategic priorities, best-in-class onboarding programs represent a significant opportunity for a competitive edge. By embracing onboarding as an immersive and rewarding experience that sets employees up for long-term impact and growth, companies position themselves to build the resilient, high-performing workforces they need to thrive. The success stories profiled provide clear examples for others to model — and the rewards for getting onboarding right are substantial.

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